How does God respond to crooked human behavior?

God responds to people and the twisted world we've created by making everything right. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Here's the surprising twist in the Bible's story...

Instead of letting humanity destroy itself, God took responsibility for our betrayal. By taking our pesha on himself, God opened up a new future and new way to be human. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

God's Ruakh • Holy Spirit Ep. 2

In this episode, Tim and Jon continue to unpack the concept of the Holy Spirit. Last time, they focused on the spirit of God. This time, they’ll look at what the word spirit means and the difference between God’s spirit and human spirit. Scripture is full of examples of God’s spirit influencing and empowering people, but is this really still happening? What does the spirit of God have to do with us today as followers of Jesus, and how will God use his spirit and use people to fulfill his purpose for creation?

The "sky of the skies" was mind-blowing to the ancient Hebrew imagination.

Ancient Hebrew writers used the word “shamayim” to refer to the space between the earth and the sky and the space above the sky. Shamayim means "sky of the skies," and it was so high and inaccessible to the Hebrew imagination that it was thought to be the place where God's throne room existed. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Jesus’ Disciples Are a City • The City Ep. 10

The city of Jerusalem, established by David to be the home of God, is a glimpse of what a divine city could look like, but even Jerusalem becomes corrupt. Is there any kind of city we can actually put our hope in? Jesus seemed to think so. He said he was the place where Heaven and Earth are fully united, allowing God and humanity to dwell together. Then he took it a step further to say his followers are a city on a hill, the city of God. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss the new Jerusalem.

The Bible is one long story about a broken relationship

Acts of pesha violate the universal trust that exists between all humans made in the image of God. Pesha is used repeatedly throughout the Bible to describe humans betraying their covenant relationship with God and violating each other’s trust. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Spirit of the Old Testament vs. The Spirit of Christianity • Holy Spirit Ep. 1

This is our first conversation about the Holy Spirit. It's a big theme in Scripture and often a controversial topic. Tim and Jon talk about how ancient Hebrews viewed the Spirit and the differences between ancient and modern views on the Spirit.

Can sin be in God's presence?

God designed the tabernacle to move toward sin in order to redeem it and invite people to enter his presence. #shorts #bible #biblevideos

Jerusalem: A Tale of Two Cities • The City Ep. 9

Israel was meant to be a picture of the heavenly city of God, but over time, it began to look more like Babylon, Nineveh, and Sodom and Gomorrah. In the scroll of Isaiah, the prophet announces Yahweh’s coming judgment on Israel because of their oppression of other humans. Join Tim and Jon as they discuss the city of God in the scroll of Isaiah.

Why was Jesus anointed with water instead of oil?

Israel's priests and kings were anointed with oil to set them apart as leaders and God's representatives. But Jesus was anointed with water and Spirit because he is the ultimate Anointed One. Jesus doesn't just act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. He brought Heaven to Earth with the power of God’s Spirit. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

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