Where Dragons Show Up in the Bible • Chaos Dragon Ep. 1

Nahash, tanin, leviathan––the Bible is full of strange words describing a creature many modern readers can’t quite categorize. All these words are ways of referring to a monster of the deep, a dragon. In this episode, Tim and Jon kick off a brand new theme study, the chaos dragon, with a look at the language the Bible uses to describe this creature.

How Abraham Could Have Anticipated the City of God • The City Q+R 1

How could Abraham have anticipated a coming City of God, like the author of Hebrews said? What’s the connection between the shame of Adam and Eve and that of their son Cain? Was Genesis first an oral tradition, and how did it become a written account with so many literary hyperlinks? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the first half of The City series. Thank you to our audience for your incredible questions!

Coming Soon: A New Theme Video Exploring the Significance of the City in the Bible

Our newest video, The City, premieres on Monday at 7 AM PDT/10 AM EDT. Join us for a special YouTube premiere experience.

The Significance of the City in the Bible (and God's Plan for It)

Explore the theme of the city throughout the story of the Bible—from the first city built by Cain to the final garden city, the heavenly Jerusalem in the new creation. In this video, you'll learn: - What makes a city - Why the first city was built - The contrasting ethics of the city of Babylon and God's city - God's surprising plan to bring his garden to the city - What it looks like when the heavenly city comes to Earth

Shema/Listen • Word Study Ep. 1

This week on the podcast we do something a little bit different. We try to look inside the biblical writers’ imaginations and think about what they were trying to picture when they used certain words. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. For thousands of years its been passed down through translators. And sometimes the words that we read today in our Bibles don’t fit with the context the authors were originally using. Tim and Jon have a quick discussion on a popular Hebrew word “Shema.” It originally meant "to listen" and to the ancient Hebrew it was one of the most powerful words in the Scriptures, but today its importance is mostly lost.

What does Jesus do with his authority?

Jesus shares his authority and power with his followers so that they can form a new kind of family. Instead of being filled with feuds and rivalries, this family is ordered by Jesus' redefinition of power as love. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Why the Story of the Bible Ends With a City • The City Ep. 13

In the Bible, cities have a bad reputation as centers of immorality and unrighteous living. First-century followers of Jesus continued to live in cities, but they lived by an other-worldly ethic set by Jesus. Their way of living was so different that Jesus’ followers began to talk about their citizenship being primarily in a coming heavenly city, rather than the physical city in which they lived. In this episode, join Jon and Tim as they wrap up our theme study of the city. Show Music “Defender (Instrumental)” by TENTS “Lost Love” by Toonorth “Acquired In Heaven” by Beautiful Eulogy

Sin means redefining our bad decisions as good

The word "sin" means missing the goal of loving God and people. Sin leads us to deceive ourselves. And in the Bible, when people are failing at loving God, they often think they are succeeding. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Why the Design of Noah’s Ark Matters

This session is from the BibleProject Classroom class Noah to Abraham, taught by Dr. Tim Mackie. The entire class is available for free on the BibleProject app at https://classroom-beta.bibleproject.com/noah-to-abraham In this session, we take a closer look at the design of Noah’s ark. Tim walks us through the ways that the ark’s design calls to mind earlier images of the garden in Eden.

Holy Spirit QR

Jon and Tim respond to listener questions regarding The Holy Spirit. This was the first Q&R episode every recorded for the show!

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