Where Is There Idolatry in Modern Culture?

The first chapter of Ezekiel presents readers with a question: Why is the Temple Presence of Yahweh appearing to a guy by a river in Babylon? This class session explores how the answer to that question begins to unfold in chapter 8. Ezekiel's "nightmare tour" presents an inversion of Eden imagery resulting from the idolatry of the people. This chapter challenges readers to consider how we give our allegiance to things of our own creation. Start this session and explore what the vision of an ancient prophet can say to our modern world.

Why Say “Kingdom of the Skies” Instead of “Kingdom of Heaven?” ☁️

Our BibleProject translation uses the phrase “kingdom of the skies” instead of kingdom of heaven.” Discover why in our newest Q+R podcast episode.

New Ezekiel class

What does avoiding oaths have to do with peacemaking? ✋

Jesus teaches that peacemaking begins with a radical commitment to honesty and integrity. He tells his followers to honor others by keeping their word.

How Does God’s Spirit at Pentecost Offer Us Hope?

The story of the Bible points to a new world filled with God's life-giving Spirit.

Ruakh = God's personal presence or Spirit

Many Christian traditions celebrate the birth of the Church on Pentecost Sunday, when God's Spirit, or Ruakh, arrived with a rush of wind and "tongues" of fire.

Coming Soon: Sermon on the Mount Episode 5

How does Jesus teach us to respond to conflict? Join us on Sunday, May 19 for the fifth episode in the 10-part Sermon on the Mount series.

Don’t Make Oaths. Turn the Other Cheek. Love Your Enemies. But Why? • Sermon on the Mount (Ep 5)

Join us for the fifth episode exploring the most well-known collection of Jesus' teachings, the Sermon on the Mount. In this video, you'll learn: - Why Jesus said not to make oaths to people - How Jesus advocates a nonviolent resistance to evil - What it meant to “turn the other cheek” in the ancient world - Why Jesus said to love your enemies - What it means to “be complete, just as your heavenly Father is complete.”

Why Does Jesus Compare Name-Calling to Murder?

Jesus is revealing the wisdom underneath the commands of the Torah. Anger, verbal abuse, and murder are all outward behaviors that reflect how much we value someone else’s existence.


In the story of the Bible, God is depicted as a generous host who provides for the needs of his guests. However, humans live from a mindset of scarcity and hoard God’s many gifts. In this video on Generosity, we explore God’s plan for overcoming our selfishness by giving the ultimate gift of himself in the person of Jesus. #BibleProject #BibleVideo #Generosity

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