Genesis - A New Beginning: A New Fight
Genesis - A New Beginning: A New Encounter
What’s the worst place you can think of? Now ask yourself this—where would you most likely go to encounter God? Have you considered the possibility of both those questions having the same answer? We’ll look at unlikely places and situations where God can meet us in our study today.
Genesis - A New Beginning: A New Blessing
Have you ever felt like you had a number of serious messes to clean up before you could move forward with serving God? Perhaps that mess is firmly planted in a flat-out dysfunctional family situation? Our study today celebrates how God uses broken families for His greater good.
Genesis - A New Beginning: A New Test
A basic premise of the Gospel is that once you’re saved, you’re saved. So, what exactly is going on when we feel like God is “testing” us? We’ll look at a portion of Scripture where God tests an Old Testament character and we’ll see how that test relates to us today.
Genesis - A New Beginning: A New Call
What image comes to mind when you hear the phrase “a blessed life?” Is it comfort, ease, prosperity, or perhaps even a successful ministry? What if you were told that a blessed life was one surrounded by strife, pain, and fallenness? Would that conjure up a different image of blessing? We’ll explore these questions today.
The Last Word on Books, Part 2
What’s the emotion that appears when you hear the word “judgement?” From an earthly perspective, we may envision a court of law and want to avoid it. In a spiritual sense, perhaps it draws to mind a somber day in the future. But could it also be a source of joy? Our study today will explore this question.
The Last Word on Books, Part 1
Jesus, meek and mild. Perhaps you’ve heard this phrase. Is it accurate? Does it set the groundwork for an authentic, Biblical understanding of God? And what does it mean to fear God? We’ll look at that in today's study.
Old Age Revealed, Part 2
At face value, it’s almost ironic. In the midst of a book known for telling us all is meaningless, we’re being prompted to soak in the pleasure of God. Encouragement, from the book of Ecclesiastes? We’re headed there in this study.
Old Age Revealed, Part 1
Decoding generational differences seems to be a full-time task for some. The older folks look at the up-and-coming generations and often are prompted to despair. But the teacher of Ecclesiastes tells us there’s nothing new under the sun. How does Scripture help us rise above generational concerns? We’ll look at that in this study.
Man to Man Talk, Part 2
Summarize Ecclesiastes. “All is meaningless.” Yes, that would be true, but did you know that this book also includes an exhortation to live with joy? We’ll go in search of that joy in this study.
Man to Man Talk, Part 1
Zero. That’s the number of people on this planet who are not growing older with each passing day. So, the discussion is universal. But is there a difference between growing old and growing up? We’ll explore that topic in this study.