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It's a Wonderful Christmas—Down to Earth Christmas

Ever thought about where you would fit into the Christmas story? Maybe a shepherd, perhaps the inn keeper? What if we expanded the typical Christmas narrative to include a much wider range of characters? We’ll do that as we explore a “Down to Earth Christmas.”

Comfort, Comfort #5, Part 2

What does it mean to “wait on the Lord”? And how does the need for comfort, a serious need for comfort, coexist with an admonition to “wait on the Lord? The greater the need for comfort, the greater the urgency, right? Isaiah addresses this for us.

Comfort, Comfort #5, Part 1

If a friend describes to you something that you’ve never seen, there is a risk that the mental image created won’t match the actual object. Isaiah helps us pursue comfort by challenging us to check the image of the almighty God that we hold. Is it even heading in the right direction? Or is it tragically too small?

Comfort, Comfort #4

It’s so easy to draw a line between power on one side, and tenderness on the other. So how do we reconcile both of those qualities in perfect presentation, combined into one? Isaiah presents the comfort found in digging deep into the sovereignty of God.

Comfort, Comfort #3

There is great value in community, being with people who understand and care. But is that the primary source of comfort? Does God work primarily through others? How does that work for the lonely or isolated? We continue our pursuit of Comfort from the book of Isaiah.

Comfort, Comfort #2

Comfort is coming, but is there a call for us to prepare for that provision? Is comfort a something we wait for, or pursue? Are we to ignore our circumstances, or is there a different mindset to adopt during hard times? We’ll look at this question today.

Comfort, Comfort #1

When a word appears twice consecutively in the Bible, it’s meant to emphasize that word. In the Old Testament, God’s people have just been told they’re going into exile. And yet, the prophet Isaiah says “It’s going to be okay.” The Word of God raises us above our circumstances, both then and now. Comfort, comfort.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Privilege? Part 2

Christ also gives comfort and shelter. He shelters from outward wrath and gives comfort for inner weariness. Are you feeling innerly weary? In Christ, you'll find comfort. You're never alone.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Privilege? Part 1

What is the spiritual privilege that comes of going on mission for Jesus? It's important that we know what is given to an individual and what is special about following Jesus, so that we can extend it to anyone else.

Your Mission: Should You Choose to Accept It—What Is Your Foundation? Part 2

Until a man is converted and knows it, he is not the slightest use to God. Are you converted? Do you know it? Do you have the assurance of your faith? If so, you are released to get out and serve.

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