God Is an Awesome God, Part 2
Perhaps you’ve been introduced to the idea of being religious without being connected with God. Our study today will explore that same divide infecting our worship. Can we “worship” without really connecting with God?
God Is an Awesome God, Part 1
How often have you scanned the offerings on your entertainment device looking for something that is different, bigger, astounding even… looking to be elevated above the mundane? Our study today asks us to check for signs of tragically settling for the mundane in our worship.
Time’s Brutal Onward March
Right up toward the top of any “hot topic” list of those looking to get the most out of life will be the idea of time management. But is that what this passage in Ecclesiastes is all about? Or is it something even more foundational, something each of us needs to look at? We’ll ask these questions today.
Pleasure, Toil & Wisdom Are Meaningless
When we’re facing a challenge, or taking on a new task, it’s helpful to be able to check in with someone who’s been there and done that. In a sense, that’s what the teacher is doing for us here. Our study today explores the take-aways from some very extravagant examples of “been there done that.”
Finding Meaning in All the Wrong Places
There's probably no more common search among all humanity than for the meaning of life. So, as believers, we have the answer dialed in, right? Let’s see what the book of Ecclesiastes has to say on the subject.
Attaining to the Whole Measure of the Fullness of Christ
We’ve just finished a series of studies call The Bible Explained. While we hope the explanations proved useful, it’s just the starting point in realizing the full power of Scripture. In our study today, Josh Moody will challenge us to take our appetite and dependence on the Word of God to a higher level.
The Bible Explained: Abidingt
It makes no difference how much you’ve paid for that new vacuum cleaner, or how shiny it is, or how much you like the color of it. If it’s not powered up, it’s useless. It may sound like an obvious question, but is a vibrant walk of faith possible if we’re not plugged in to the power source? And what does it mean to be plugged in? We’ll look at that today.
The Bible Explained: Family, Part 2
The idyllic marriage has absolutely no friction in it. There’s a harmonious existence that is continual butterflies and sunshine, right? Not by a long shot. But is there a divine purpose in marital conflict? Do earthly relationships look to teach us something about the divine? We’ll address that question today.
The Bible Explained: Family, Part 1
Many come across the word “submission” in the context of marriage and see a fuse coming out of one end. It’s a potential stick of dynamite if not regarded properly. But it’s in the Bible. And if we truly believe God knows best, we may want to dig deeper into what’s meant by this word. We’ll do just that in our study today.
The Bible Explained: Work, Part 2
It may be an assumption that as you work your way up the corporate ladder, you have less people you’re accountable to. But is there such a thing as a big enough corner office that you don’t answer to anyone? We’ll look at that question today.