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The Bible Explained: Work, Part 1

It’s so easy to draw a line between our Sunday activities, and our 9 to 5 mindset. But what happens if we mix things up? Does that help us look at our work differently? Does it provide a more positive perspective on work? We’ll ask those questions in this study.

The Bible Explained: Church

As any good organizational fanatic will tell you, being able to collect seemingly unrelated things under a unifying umbrella helps bring clarity. Is the church supposed to act in this way? We’ll look at that question in this study.

The Bible Explained: Redemption, Part 2

As we continue our discussion of redemption, we’re looking at some of the elements we should expect on this journey. For example, there’s happiness as a result of condemnation being washed away, but there may also be occasional struggles despite our being redeemed. How do we view these challenges? We’ll look at them today.

The Bible Explained: Redemption, Part 1

If you were asked to summarize the Bible, how would you do that? One macro view might be creation, the fall, redemption, the future hope. In our study today, we’ll move into that third category, moving from the fall, into the incredibly good news of available redemption.

The Bible Explained: Fall, Part 2

You’ve heard “There’s bad news and there’s good news.” In this case, the bad news is very bad in that it has consequences for every human to walk on this planet. But the good news…. The good news is that there is a way out from under the bad news. We’ll continue our look at these two extremes today.

The Bible Explained: Fall, Part 1

You don’t know how good you have it, until you have it bad. Ever experienced that? How about when it comes to grace? Have you ever considered how your appreciation of grace might grow after an honest, no-holds-barred look at the human condition? Our study today will do just that.

The Bible Explained: Creation, Part 2

What would happen if the moon suddenly claimed to be the source of light in the night sky? Even the simplest understanding of how nature works would see a flaw in that claim. The moon does not produce light, it reflects it. Any parallels in how we view ourselves? We’ll look at that question in our study.

The Bible Explained: Creation, Part 1

This series is an overview of how the Bible fits together, both in terms of its doctrine and in terms of its practice. What is the Bible actually about and what is its message? And how do you put that into practice?

Christ, Church, and Religion: Keys to Spirtual Maturity

You’ve likely heard the term “spiritual maturity,” but have you ever wrestled with what that means, or more importantly what that means for you? We’ll go searching for answers today as we wrap up our Colossians study.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Importance of Fellowship

Small things matter, sometimes in big ways. Paul has pointed out two ordinary folks who made a difference in his ministry, and are now part of Scripture. Our study today continues to celebrate the potential for everyone to make a difference for the kingdom.

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