Christ, Church, and Religion: How to Be Holy
What is holiness? How do we get there? Perhaps it conjures up an image of separation, being above those around us, those considered “unholy.” The pursuit of holiness is a recognized goal, but less known is the “how” of holiness. We’ll look at that in this study.
Christ, Church, and Religion: Liar, Liar, Part 2
It’s sometimes thought that as one becomes more holy, one becomes more out of place in our world. From one perspective, that may be true, but what about from the perspective of eternity? Is a journey towards holiness actually a natural progression? We’ll look at that question in this study.
Christ, Church, and Religion: Liar, Liar, Part 1
“It just comes naturally.” But what comes naturally? Paul tackles the old nature, and how a relationship with Christ goes to work building a new nature. Part of that new nature is reflected in telling the truth to each other, and ourselves.
Christ, Church, and Religion: Fix Your Mind
What is it that distinguishes a Christian? Is lifestyle a strong indicator that an individual is a Christian? If not, why not? While Paul addresses this question to his readers in Colossae, the admonition lands powerfully for us today.
Christ, Church, and Religion: Don't Follow Human Rules
Being a rule follower is a good thing, right? Or is it? Our study today helps us sort out rules that have been added to the essential truth of the Gospel and as such, become dangerous to our faith.