Filled With Praise

When you are pleased with God, God is pleased.

Holy Lamenting

Don’t move away from God, move toward him. Don’t turn your back on God, face him. It’s the biblical and constructive way to resolve your anger.

A Bible Verse for the Weary Christian

No matter what battle you’re facing today, take heart - heaven is just on the horizon.

Turn the World Upside Down

Wherever the Lord places you, continue to talk about Jesus to any and everyone. The Holy Spirit will do the follow-up for you.

Lift Up the Needs of Our Country

Remember, take heart; there is no place where God is not at work, yes, even at political conventions. God bless you as you pray for the needs of the country.

Ken's Excessive Love

Hear Joni reflect on being married 42 beautiful years to Ken.


Volunteer today and see God do the impossible at a Family Retreat in the U.S. or overseas! Sign up at - it will change your life!

All to Him I Owe

In this program, Joni encourages you to hum a hymn because there are people around you who may need a refreshing word or song.

The Mountains and the Valleys

Listen to Joni record her 11,000th radio program! Glory to God and thanks to listeners like you for keeping the Radio Ministry here at Joni and Friends alive! Here’s to more radio programs helping you overcome mountaintops in the future!

Hook, Line, and the Red Sea

The men come for the fishing, but they get so much more. Listen in to this interview between Joni and Ken to find out what they’re talking about.

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