Just One Link
Until Jesus Returns
Until Jesus returns, keep at it; don’t give up. Keep spreading the life-saving message of salvation in Christ and bless you for doing what you can to lessen suffering in this world.
It Costs God So Much!
Take a moment to really think about what your salvation means in the grand scheme of things. Live in a manner that is truly worthy of all the Gospel means. Joni has so much more to say about this topic so listen in!
An Important Letter to Moms
Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day today with Joni as she shares about a video that was banned in France! If you know someone with Down syndrome today, show them love.
Why Waste It?
Boast gladly about your weaknesses so that the power of Christ might rest on you. For the sake of Christ, be content with weaknesses and hardships; for when you are weak, then you are strong.
A Hard and Difficult Road
Hear Joni share about when she first broke her neck and how she made the Bible her meat and drink. She encourages you to do the same today.
Be Decisive
Life is all about choices. Today – decide, resolve, choose to serve God and not the flesh.
A Great Missionary of Ireland
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from everyone at Joni and Friends! Be encouraged and hear Joni share this refresher course on the life of a great missionary, Patrick of Ireland.
Your Character
You may be taking care of your elderly mother, or a child with a disability. Whatever the case that disabled loved one reveals your character.
Not an Ounce Too Heavy
Trust that God will never, ever give you a cross that is one ounce too heavy because he has hand-tailored your hardships. No suffering can touch you that hasn’t first been filtered through him.
Proverbs 14 Written for You
You can learn more about helping people in need like Christina and her disabled brother by visiting joniradio.org. You may even feel called to serve on one of the Wheels for the World teams!