My360 Helper

Not Homesick Anymore

Be like Matthew and serve at a global summer internship with Joni and Friends! Sign up today at

Pause, Breathe, and Pray

Today, thank God for the simple, but profound gifts – the ability to see, hear, and the gift of breath.

You Can Too

Sorrow forces you to identify more deeply with your suffering Savior, and that is a blessing.

Divine Healing

Many people think the greater miracle is a physical cure, but the real miracle is when God transforms a life of hardship and gives it power, purpose, and contentment to love God no matter what!

A New England Trip

The altar is God’s alone. Anything you try to add to the cross only dishonors the work of Christ and Christ alone.

A New Thing

Tell the world more about salvation in Jesus Christ. Make that your “new thing” this year!

Turn Up the Wattage

Today, trust and obey the Lord through your every trial. For when you do, you’ll be shutting Satan’s mouth. And you’ll be turning up the wattage on God's glory.

The Spirit of Christmas

In this 24-minute Christmas special, Joni shares hope-filled insights on how you can create the Christmas spirit in your home and in your heart. Join Joni along with her husband Ken and their good friend Shauna, as she helps us focus on Jesus.

Precious Lives

God makes no mistakes. Listen in to this interview that delves deep into crisis pregnancies.

A Terrifying Sacrifice

Learn more about the true meaning behind the Hebrew name for God—Jehovah-Jireh.

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