Before You Move

Before you speak, ask yourself if what you say will hurt, help, or glorify God. Would you be ashamed if others heard you?

Be a Godly Leader

Righteous people can make a huge difference in this world. Find a way to give the world around you a godly example to follow.

The Paradox of Leading from Weakness

Your calling as a leader is shaped by your weaknesses. Whatever seems to be your weakness, exchange it today for the power of God.

Paul's Attitude

Mirror Paul’s attitude today and think differently about your chains.

God's Deep and Wide Love

Give in to the spirit of the Lord Jesus and let him be the source of every loving word and action.

The Best Caregiver I Know

Tune in to hear Joni and Ken have an in-depth interview about the importance of caregiving.

A Good Morning Prayer

Joni recites a beautiful poem in this program, that can be used as a prayer for you every morning.

Honoring Mom and Dad

Learn about Ken’s roots in this program about his mother and father. Take a cue from Ephesians and honor your parents because it’s right.

Sound and Act Like Jesus

According to Hebrews 12, the sufferings of your life in Christ are not condemnation for sin, they are discipline for holiness.

God’s Purpose Isn’t Finished

Joni encourages you to pray for leaders, institutions, culture, and people because your prayers are never in vain.

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