My360 Helper

HFTD #5 - Maryana Filip and Elsie

It’s the last day of Heart for the Disabled week! It’s not too late to send then an encouraging note! Listen to all the families’ stories on and be inspired!

HFTD #4 - Guillermo and Carolann

Only one more day left of the Heart for the Disabled! Celebrate Valentine’s Day early by listening to this amazing family’s story. Send a note of encouragement to them today!

HFTD #3 - Scott and Christina

You’ll surely be blessed by hearing this story that Joni shares about this loving family.

HFTD #2 - Ariel and Euvrena

Hear Joni and Shauna talk about a sweet family during Heart for the Disabled week. Listen in and be blessed.

HFTD #1 - Terry and Chante

This week kicks off Heart for the Disabled week! Hear Joni share a story about a family that is staying strong in the Lord despite the challenges of a loved one passing.

Uncle Eddie's Skis

Hear a fun story of how Joni’s uncle really made a cold, winter morning become a warm and fuzzy memory.

Move Forward Never Backward

Move forward, never backward. Take life one step at a time, like Elisabeth Elliot did and soon you will find strength not only for the rest of the day, but a very bright hope for tomorrow.

Then Fight

Fight not only against defeat and discouragement but fight to stay satisfied in God. Think on his promises and gratitude will come.

Righteous Anger

Hear Joni share a heartwarming story about a little boy who finally gets a wheelchair! Give the perfect gift of mobility and a Bible today to a child in need. Find out more at

Let Gods Word Dwell in You

No matter where you are; if you want to feel safe and sound, let God’s Word dwell in you. Let it find a residence in your heart today.

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