My360 Helper

A Special Reservation

At the Lord’s table, you always have a seat.

A Gentle Answer

Your reaction to something like a car accident can tell about your Christian character.

A Song for Comfort

Sometimes, the comfort you need is found in a song from God.

The Bad Escape

There is no way you can escape God’s love – period!

The Lost Son

Remember the words of Luke 18 to always pray and never give up. So, if you know someone who’s soul needs saving, continue to pray and don’t lose heart.

Christ in the Midst of Chemo

Nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus your Lord.

The Prodigal Son

Hear Joni share a story of a friend’s son that was lost and then found. The return of that prodigal is still, after more than a decade, producing a flow of gratitude and a never-ending flow of praise to God.

The Best Gift

After hearing this program, you’ll be asking God to change your prayers for good.

Hold on for One More Day

Set your mind on the things above and move forward with courage today. Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot and will not heal.

The Body of Christ

Know that you lean on the Lord for every ounce of grace to be gained from the bread and the cup. Remember that the next time you take Communion.

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