Have Courage
Listen in to hear a story about how a new friendship back when Joni was 17 blossomed into a great one that has still lasted to this day. It has helped her faith grow stronger as a teenager until now.
Prison No More
The Wheels for the World team at Joni and Friends is really making an impact on thousands of prisoners across America who work in the Wheels for the World restoration shops. Learn more about how you can make an impact by going to joniradio.org.
God Keeps His Promises
Hold up your shield of faith today and slay those anxious thoughts with the sword of the Spirit.
The Blame Game
Strive to live a life that emulates what it says in Galatians. Practice to live a life of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Be the kind of friend that’s the hands and feet of Jesus.
Jesus Speaks up for You
Jesus is your advocate and friend. It’s perhaps the best reason to live for the praise of your Savior today.
Silly Disciples
Don’t be a silly disciple and try not to miss what’s right in front of you. Jesus, the source of help and hope, is in the midst of every circumstance in your life.
Equal Strength
Include God in your everyday routines – his grace will feel fresh every morning. That way you will truly live.
Through Hell or High Water
No matter what trouble you’re facing today, you’ve got good news: you’ve got a pledge from God that he is for you through thick and thin.
The Global Power of Radio
Joni shares about an amazing story of the power of radio all the way in Mexico. Through the radio program, Joni and Friends gained a new employee.
He Knows Your Name
Cast all your anxiety on God because he cares for you.