Let Your Life Glow

You’ll glow the brightest when you love the most and labor in the power of the Lord’s grace.

The Road to the Cross

Hear a behind the scenes story of how Joni created her “Cradle to the Cross” art piece.

What Forgiveness Does

Forgiveness is honoring your mother and father – even if they’ve hurt you. It’s extending the same mercy to others that God extends to you.

Continue Doing Good

Hear Joni share a story about a boy in Africa named Chisomo who finally receives a wheelchair. Give the perfect gift of a wheelchair by visiting www.joniandfriends.org.

Troubles Enrich You

Troubles enrich you to have a better understanding of God that you can’t gain through ease and comfort.

The First Hymn Sung

There are all kinds of ways you can serve on a Wheels for the World Team so, find out more at joniradio.org.

Stracciatella Soup

Listen in to hear Joni talk about her favorite soup recipe! Get all the details in this special Thanksgiving program!

Bold Moves

Tune in to hear Joni talk about the very first hymn that was written.


True contentment is realizing that God has already given you everything you need for your present happiness. What a powerful lesson!

Living Generously

Give people your time, words, and full attention – in doing all of that, it shows generosity. These are just a few ways you can be like Jesus and bless others this Thanksgiving week.

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