An Anniversary

Why did God bless us with health, with jobs that offered some satisfactions, with children diverse, challenging, and still lovable?

Responsibility With Limits

How do you know when to step back from responsibility?

Responsibility, Your Friend

Responsibility is part of ordinary living. We shoulder it, step up to expectations, necessity as life’s seasons change. When . . .

Hard Times

Hard times happen to us all. Why are some more resilient? Some become better, some bitter. The company we . . .

Justice #2

Conflict reigns in much of our nation. Crime, disobedience, the innocent punished, and convictions based on who has money. There are . . .

Justice #1

Our national conversation on criminal sentencing reform is rising. A good thing. Our incarceration is . . .

Thought, Act, Habit

What do you think about, my friend? A thought becomes an act. An act becomes a . . .

God’s Choices #2

God choses people in ways that puzzle us. Needy widows in Scripture are . . .

God’s Choices #1

God choses people. I’m surprised with . . .

Scripture And Plants

Scripture refers to wheat, barley, and just weeds, referencing planters and harvesters. What lessons can we learn from plants?

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