Did Jesus Matter?

The parents of the man born blind were afraid to give credit to Jesus, FOR THEIR SON’S SIGHT, than be spurned by the Jewish in crowd.

Fewer Christians

I’m challenged by this data to follow Jesus’ example. Disciple a few, staying close in the stuff of daily living.


Are there ‘endangered’ people around you? Tasting the gospel, wondering, needing our witness and discipleship to grow?


We often pray, “Lord, what should I do?” Decisions about jobs, moves, families, and more.

Speak Up To Young People

Have you seen God work in your life?

A Vintage Person’s Strength

While our culture does not value us ‘vintage’ persons, God does.

Vintage For God

I am a vintage Christ follower. What does that mean?

Women Who Witness #3

Where do we find people who need Jesus?

Women Who Witness #2

Jesus longest conversation recorded was with this unlikely, scorned woman.

Women Who Witness #1

John tells us of a witness who led people from her village out to meet Jesus at a well. Unlikely person, a woman living with her sixth man.

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