Spiritual Growth

A new year gives us the opportunity to set new bench marks in our lives. Such as . . .

Abandoning Jesus

Thinking of abandoning Jesus? To whom will you go?


Imagine the questions Jesus will be asked this year.

Testing in the Body of Believers

Our tests this year will be more than personal and individual. We will be tested in . . .

This Season For A Reason

I puzzle that I had a plan for this season of my life, yet this season is never as I expected.

God’s Options

It’s tempting when we face hardships, trials small and great, to ask God for help. And then . . .

Testing #2

Tests to our faith. That is the reality of being a Christ follower.

Testing #1

One thing is sure, our faith will be tested.

Mercies In Disguise

Looking back, I recognize God’s tender mercies in disguise.

Two Widows

In less than a year, there are 30 members. They serve their community in ordinary, non-sparkly ways.

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