Search by book of the Bible, chapter and verse:


The New Nature

From The Word for Today … "the new covenant" Jeremiah tells about in chapter 31? Chuck Smith teaches about it in…

The Promise to Return the Captives

From The Word for Today …Have we seen all of Jeremiah's prophecies fulfilled? If not, which ones await fulfillme…

The Pronouncement of Judgment

From The Word for Today …ncement as given by Jeremiah? Pastor Chuck Smith addresses this difficult passage in Je…

The Prophecy of 70 Years

From The Word for Today …s" as prophesied by Jeremiah?…

The Prophecy of the Captivity - 2

From The Word for Today …p sorrow, why would Jeremiah tell the spiritual leaders to wallow in the ashes?…

The Prophecy to Zedekiah

From The Word for Today …not have to share. Jeremiah had such a message for the King as shared in today's editio…

The Seven Years

From The Word for Today …ck Smith teach from Jeremiah 30 in today's edition of "The Word for Today".…

The Sign of things to Come

From The Word for Today … Why would God tell Jeremiah to not marry nor have children? Chuck Smith's answer may s…

The Slaying of Innocent Children

From The Word for Today Jeremiah prophesying Herod's slaying of the children 2 years old or younger? What else …

The Sovereinty of God

From The Word for Today …sin of the people? Jeremiah had to wear a yoke around his neck as an illustration of Go…
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A Voice for Persecuted Christians

Bold Steps Minute

Christian Crusaders

CTTW - Questions About Life

Daily Audio Bible

Discipleship Essentials

Doctor Luke

Encouraging Words

Every Man a Warrior Minute

Expectant Faith

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Berni Dymet


Russel Abrahams

Lonnie Berger


Tim Boettger


Jesse Bradley


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Christian Disciplines

By Discipleship Essentials

Christian Doctrine

By Discipleship Essentials

DAB October

By Daily Audio Bible


By Salt and Light

Expectant Faith

By Expectant Faith


By The Word for Today


By The Word for Today


By Light to Guide Our Feet

Famines, Deserts, And Other Hard Places

By Running to Win

God Who Sees Me

By Rendezvous
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