Ministries and churches often have a desire to use radio to reach a particular country or people group. However, according to Doug Weber of SonSet… read more
One Chinese listener describes her experience with TWR by saying, "It feels as if the Lord is upholding me and leading me forward ... step by… read more
On today's Footsteps, my friend and TWR colleague Harry Bettig tells the story of a TWR listener from Mogadishu, Somalia. When this young man… read more
Not only does TWR broadcast the Gospel by way of radio, but we also distribute radios throughout the continent of Africa. And, we hand out these… read more
I've never forgotten a story that a friend of mine told me. Early in his marriage, his pastor called him into his office. The pastor looked the… read more
I appreciate excellent audio production like Adventures in Odyssey, Lamplighter Theatre, or some of the special features from my former colleagues at… read more
Looking at statistics and ratings in the African country of Malawi, we know that one third of Malawians listen to TWR-Malawi. But are the numbers… read more
Have you ever read the preface or introduction of a book, and it changed your life? Well, on today's Footsteps, Thru The Bible President Gregg… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps
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