Dallas Jenkins, director of The Chosen, joins our first podcast about the Sermon on the Mount.

Tune into the first podcast episode of our Sermon on the Mount series and learn about the creative choices Dallas Jenkins made in portraying Matthew 5-7 on the show.

God's Kingdom begins here.

Why does the Sermon on the Mount start the way it does?

What's new for Classroom in 2024?

Make this the year you complete a class in BibleProject Classroom. Four new classes are heading your way next year! #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Why Does Daniel Dream About Monsters?

The four monstrous beasts in Daniel's dream represent four violent kingdoms. Daniel’s dream continues with the arrival of the Son of Man, who shows up to destroy the beasts. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Tim and Jon describe the podcast

Every podcast episode involves good questions, lots of notes, and hours of talking. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

“Dam” = the liquid essence of a human’s life.

In biblical Hebrew, “dam” is related to "adamah" (ground) and "adam" (humanity). #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

When is God's Will Done on Earth? • Sermon on the Mount (Episode 1)

Join us for an introduction to the most well-known collection of Jesus' teachings, the Sermon on the Mount. We cover its intentional design and context within the story of the Bible as we begin this 10-part series. 00:00 Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount video series 00:37 Overview of the Sermon on the Mount 01:38 The design of the teachings 02:13 What it means for God's Kingdom to come on earth 02:44 God chose Israel to represent His Kingdom 03:13 Jesus announces the arrival of God's Kingdom 05:05 Credits 06:05 Join us in the Weekly Playlist

Meet Renjy, our Dean of Scholarship.

There is a community of scholars (and LOTS of notes) behind everything we create! #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

What Do Dragons Represent in the Bible?

Biblical authors used dragon imagery to represent chaos, darkness, and violent human rulers. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible #dragon

Coming Soon: Sermon on the Mount

A brand new 10-part series begins January 1, 2024.

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