This Was Three Years in the Making • Find Out What's Coming in 2024

Join Jon and Tim as they look ahead to the new year

How Does Jesus Resist the Dragon?

Jesus resists the dragon in a surprising way—he surrenders to it. #shorts #bibleproject #biblevideo #dragon

What does "Tov" Mean?

In biblical Hebrew, "tov" is used to describe what is beautiful, life-giving, and morally good. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

What does "Tov" Mean?

In biblical Hebrew, "tov" is used to describe what is beautiful, life-giving, and morally good. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Generosity is central to the teachings of Jesus.

BibleProject CEO Steve Atkinson encourages you to give generously to organizations that are making a difference so that you may "take hold of the life that is truly life." #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible #givingtuesday

Join us for the premiere of Chaos Dragon

Tune in to our YouTube channel today at 8:00 AM PST / 11:00 AM EST for a special premiere experience! After the premiere, BibleProject co-founder Jon Collins will share a first look at our Sermon on the Mount series. #shorts #BibleProject #biblevideo #bible

Meet John the Baptizer.

He lifts people out of the waters to symbolize a changed life.

Join us for the premiere of Chaos Dragon.

Our newest video, Chaos Dragon, premieres Monday at 8:00 AM PDT / 11:00 AM EDT. Join us for a special YouTube premiere experience. Follow this link and hit the "Notify Me" button to be reminded when this video launches.

"I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning."

In Luke 10:17, Jesus describes how his followers can be victorious over spiritual rebels.

Who protects the "erets"?

In the Hebrew imagination, the "erets," or land, borders two cosmic realms, the heavens and the dark chaotic waters. God protects the land from the dark waters so that life can flourish.

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