Simple And Wise
Psalms 116:6
By The Hand 2
I’m grateful for God taking my hand in any circumstance and leading me. It has been said, God brought you to it, so He’ll take you through it.’ How true.
By The Hand 1
In Matthew 9, Jesus took the hand of a girl who had died and she got up.
Reading Ezekiel
“That you may know that I am your Lord.”
Verbal Judo
Have you heard of "verbal judo"? Should Christians make us of it?
Following People
How do we, as Christ followers protect ourselves from following wrong teachings?
When Things Shake
Much is uncertain these days. We search for security, predictable outcomes, we want to know what’s ahead.
Kingdom Equity – Spending It
And we’ve gained--we’ve gained patience, endurance, wisdom, and understanding. These are God’s investments in us; kingdom equity.
Kingdom Equity – Why
I’ve been exploring kingdom equity; those amazing gifts God gives us in crisis. Why does He invest in us quaking humans?
Kingdom Equity – How
“Miriam Neff,” he declared, “you have been given much kingdom equity. How will you spend it?”
James 1 27
Have changes in your life drawn you to Scripture with fresh questions for God?