From before the time of Christ through the mid-15th century, silk was transported and traded along several routes that connected the Far East with… read more
When I was in college, I had to take a foreign language. Since I already had taken two years of Spanish in high school, my advisor told me that I… read more
If you're a frequent listener to Footsteps, you know that this daily short radio feature is all about the Great Commission. Through the years,… read more
I met Phillip on a sidewalk next to a streetside market in Lilongwe, Malawi. Phillip is a faithful listener to TWR-Malawi. During our conversation,… read more
How loyal are you to your favorite Christian radio station? To what lengths would you go to tell others about the station's music and teaching? … read more
For the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, just about every newscast mentioned how many people had contracted the coronavirus and how many people… read more
When Charles Morris of Haven Today traveled to the border of Ukraine, he was able to get a pulse on the spiritual condition of the Ukrainian people. … read more
According to Billy Judson of Good News Bible College and Seminary, "We have sermons which are more practical. Exposition is missing in Indian… read more
Many of us have seen the devastating effects of alcoholism on individuals and families. On today's Footsteps, TWR's Harry Bettig takes us to… read more
Nathan and Carol Anderson are career missionaries with TWR. They have raised their kids on three mission fields. Their children know all about the… read more