Are you excited about the fulfilment of the Great Commission? Or, as Christian radio veteran Roger Lonnquist puts it, are you ready to proclaim the… read more
Today's guest on Footsteps is Roger Lonnquist of Your Network of Praise in Montana as well as New Life Radio in Tanzania. Roger knows firsthand… read more
When the war in Ukraine escalated, TWR was able to quickly provide appropriate programming to meet the immediate needs of listeners. How were we… read more
The present war in Ukraine actually began when Russia invaded Crimea back in 2014. At that time, I interviewed Felix Widmer, who was serving as… read more
I met missionaries Fred and Arlene Jonkman on a retreat in Guayaquil, Ecuador. This missionary retreat was hosted by the Christian Hospitality… read more
In many countries around the world, there is a lack of Biblical education among pastors, and that includes the South American country of Ecuador. … read more
Nineteenth century Scottish/English pastor Alexander Maclaren has been quoted as saying, "The greatest charity in the world is the communication… read more
Do you remember a small book from Bruce Wilkinson called The Prayer of Jabez (2000, Multnomah Books)? The book was based on 1 Chronicles 4:4-10… read more
In my 30-plus years of radio, I've heard all different ways that listeners have used their radios for evangelism. I remember a new car salesman… read more
Andy Napier Footsteps
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