Gunrunners are sometimes depicted in action movies, or the story of the capture of an illegal arms dealer may appear in the news. But, I would not… read more
Footsteps is limited each day to just two minutes. Often, I agonize over what pieces of a story I have to edit out of the final program. For… read more
For media users who come from a Muslim background, TWR Motion has created a 20-episode animated video series called Share the Story. It takes the… read more
As TWR Motion's Candace Mackie and her team were creating the animated series Share the Story, they took great care in producing videos that are… read more
In the world of missions, how can a Christian church or ministry effectively reach into the Arab world? One way is by building bridges, and one of… read more
A few days ago, I accidently dropped a heavy suitcase on my left foot. My foot became bruised and swollen, and it was difficult to put any weight on… read more
Miriam Neff of Widow Connection thinks long-term. Rather than offering a group of widows in Africa some temporary assistance, Widow Connection has… read more
A friend relays a news story or a bit of juicy gossip with you. The story sounds preposterous, and then you realize where the information came from.… read more