My360 Helper

Hope from Deferred Circumstances

What is it about hope that makes it a valuable ingredient in life?

Hope Through New Birth

In the midst of all the news about bombings and killings, why would Lauren Libby reiterate that every new life is precious?

Hope in Impossible Circumstances

What incredible recent event reminded Lauren Libby that Hope is available anytime, anyplace?

Generational Hope

“God messages” are important enough to be passed down through generations.

Hope in the midst of Grief

Today, Lauren shares about how God helped him have hope in a time of deep grief.

Hope in Political Uncertainty

"I don’t know about you but that gives me purpose and Hope…long term purpose and Hope!" What is it that Lauren Libby is talking about so confidently? Listen in to find out.

Hope Through the Discipline of Quietness

Jesus knows what it is to live a harried life; He knows what it is to live with unfulfilled expectation, uncertainties and multiple demands. Lauren Libby shares how that can help you today.

Hope in the Midst of a Busy Schedule

Jesus had the formula for keeping Hope in life. Listen to Lauren Libby share the formula on this episode of Get Hope.

A Me Focused Life Can Rob Others of Hope

What impact will your decisions and actions have on those who come after you, such as your children and grandchildren?

Loss of Hope through Frivolous Decisions

How much do you really know what you are doing? Do you contemplate likely consequences of seemingly small decisions or actions on your part?

Hope from Having a World Vision

Several years ago I returned from a trip to Cuba. This promise to Jesus from God the Father is coming true in Cuba today! How?

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